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This is not my life’s work; this is simply everything I could find …

Humor about religion, politics, cars and flatulence.

Inanity of the Easter Bunny

April 25, 2011

The inanity of an Easter Bunny is obvious, but catching your parents trying to play one is hilarious.

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Inanity of Polygamy and Shoes

April 23, 2011

The unlikely confluence of polygamy, women’s shoes, and the safety of my genitals.

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Inanity for Good Friday – Thank God It Was Good Friday

April 21, 2011

I always enjoyed commuting on Good Friday.

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Inanity on Facebook: Foreign Aid Is Not An Inanity

April 21, 2011

Most Americans grossly overestimate how much money is spent on foreign aid. They might be surprised by how little it is, or how it helps us.

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Inanity of Violence: The Blood Feud

April 18, 2011

A memoir about an incident in a long-term blood feud between two families.

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Inanity of Violence: Bullies and Bullying

April 16, 2011

My father had a method for dealing with a bully – but did it stand the test of time?

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Inanity Alert: The Second Amendment Means More Than Guns

April 16, 2011

Personal firearms are nice and make lovely gifts, but they are just a quaint component of the Second Amendment. Real freedom requires real firepower.

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Inanity Alert: Mixing the SUV and a Cell Phone

April 15, 2011

What can we do about the mixture of 3-ton SUVs, soccer moms, and cell phones? Is brain cancer really the answer we’re looking for?

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Inanity Alert: Drug Commercials That Make You Sick

April 11, 2011

TV ads feature commercials about drugs that might be help you, but the imagery may make you sick.

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Inanity Alert: Republicans and Democrats React to Inanity

April 8, 2011

How would our two-party system react to an inanity involving a river-based species from the Amazon?

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