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Inanity of War and Keeping My Niece Out of It

May 6, 2011

The inanity of war is manifest, so I did what any loving uncle would do – find a way to keep his niece out of it.

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The Inanity of Osama and His Jihad: A Letter to Osama

May 3, 2011

My open letter to Osama Bin Laden.

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Inanity Alert: Conservative Republicans Try to Kill Medicare, But Elderly Notice

April 29, 2011

Republicans thought their efforts to kill Medicare would go unnoticed. They were wrong.

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Inanity of Facebook Polls About Presidents

April 25, 2011

A Facebook poll can be useful, but a recent one is speaking volumes about how deluded some people are.

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Inanity on Facebook: Foreign Aid Is Not An Inanity

April 21, 2011

Most Americans grossly overestimate how much money is spent on foreign aid. They might be surprised by how little it is, or how it helps us.

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Inanity in Business – Institutional Investors Are Not Great Stockholders

April 6, 2011

How has the role of stockholders been minimized?

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Inanity Politics – Cutting Planned Parenthood Funding is Folly

April 5, 2011

What does cutting Planned Parenthood funding and a circular firing squad have in common?

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Inanity Alert: Conspiracy Theories – The Last Refuge of the Uninformed

April 3, 2011

The amazing story about people just making shit up – you heard it here first!

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Donald Trump as President?

March 26, 2011

Donald Trump has hooked a couple of trophy wives in his time, but is wife 3.0 what America wants? A nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you, Derek Jeter.

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American Family Association (Unaware of First Amendment) Now Looking to Isolate Muslims

March 25, 2011

American Family Association claims to have some relation to Christian principles; however, their blog posts make them sound like something we’ve heard before. Something dark, foreboding, and – let’s face it: bat-shit crazy.

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