Although I like politics, there are elements of our political scene that just simply fatigue me.
Michelle Bachmann is a conservative and Tea Party darling. She represents the 5th congressional district in Minnesota which, by my guess, is the largest concentration of morons in the United States. What else could account for Michelle Bachmann’s presence in Congress?
To call Michelle Bachmann a witless conservative is to damn her with faint praise. Her grasp of basic facts about American history seems so tenuous that she should perhaps borrow some of Sarah Palin’s index cards to bone-up.
It is always surprising to find out that someone who has sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States seems to be implausibly misinformed about the history of the United States and the content of the U.S. Constitution itself.
While at a GOP fundraiser today in New Hampshire, she made the following statement, “”You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.”
Now, if you live in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, the odds are pretty good that you think this statement is indicative of someone with an adroit cognizance relative to the founding of our country. Unfortunately, you would be wrong – and would find warm comfort among the good people of the Tea Party.
What makes Representative Bachmann’s statement so remarkably stupid is that “the shot heard round the world in Lexington and Concord” actually happened in … wait for it … Massachusetts.
While this might seem a simple slip of the tongue, it comes a short time after she stated this gem, “But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States”.
Now, if you live in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, the odds are pretty good that you think this statement is indicative of someone with an adroit cognizance relative to the founding of our country. Unfortunately, you would be wrong – and would find warm comfort among the good people of the Tea Party.
See, many of the founders of this country actually owned slaves. They didn’t really do dick about slavery except profit from it. Slavery would continue to live as an institution in the United States for another 80-odd years AFTER the United States became a nation.
So, to my fellow citizens in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, why do you keep sending Michelle Bachmann to Congress? Is it cheaper than sending her to school?
The conservative movement, and the Tea Party in particular, should be ashamed to have any association with Michelle Bachmann.