Glenn Beck, the conservative Tea Party fan, is continuing his work towards ignobility.
His latest comments suggests that Japan, perhaps, had it coming. See, according to Glenn Beck, God is sending messages via natural disasters. Whatever Japan has done, well, they need stop doing it, according to Beck.
Apparently, human fallibility is the cause of natural disasters – at least according to Glenn Beck.
He follows up this nonsense with claiming he’s got information about radical Islam that would make your eyes fall out.
So, as Japan struggles to save victims of the tsunami and some of the bravest people on this earth are risking everything to prevent a nuclear meltdown there, Glenn Beck puts the focus on some bizarre notion of Japanese culpability in this natural disaster.
Glenn Beck and most of his conservative Tea Party acolytes, are far too busy vainly seeking conspiracies that corroborate their logic-resistant paranoia to be less asinine.
Unfortunately, while their collectively conscious circle-jerk is amusing to anyone with half a brain, intimating that the Japanese people “had it coming” is not.